Double Bachelor's degree: Degree in Applied Languages and Translation and Degree in Catalan Philology and Occitan Studies

Address / Getting here

Mostra Universitat de Lleida. Facultat de Lletres en un mapa més gran

Faculty of Arts (Rector's Building)

Secretaria administrativa - espai 0.27
Plaça de Víctor Siurana, 1
25003 Lleida                                                             

Telèfons: 973 70 21 08 / 973 70 20 64 / 973 70 31 67

How to get to the Faculty of Arts (Rector's Building)

You can consult the Lleida Urban Buses website:  You can also consult the website of the Generalitat de Catalunya in order to find the different possibilities of origins and times to get to Lleida.